Caffeine (and the baby swing) are our best friends

Leland is almost 7 weeks old and it’s crazy how much he’s growing and becoming a little person! He’s getting more comfortable hanging out and exploring the world around him, and it’s getting to a point where we can start playing with him instead of just carrying him around like our prized bag of flour.

Now that Pat is back at work (it was so helpful having him at home for so long while Elise recovered), things are getting into a relatively good routine! Leland has specific times when he typically naps, and predictable times when he’s awake. For the most part he’s a delight, and practices talking and smiling, but there are the rare days when he’s just a cranky mess. But it’s okay! We just think he’s growing and figuring things out, and that’s overwhelming business.

Leland is growing and chunking out really well - He comfortably fits in the 0-3 clothes and is slowly outgrowing his footie pajamas. Good thing he has so many great clothes in the next size up!

Luckily we’re all getting relatively decent sleep at night. Leland does sleep for 4-7 hour stretches at night, so we only really have to wake up once to change and feed him. It’s been pretty great seeing him really rock the night sleeping. It just means that he’s more awake during the day, and demands constant entertainment :)

It’s been a wild ride so far, and it’s getting better and better each week as our little guy starts becoming a more interactive and happy boy!


Getting back in the saddle (or baby carrier)


Happy Father’s day!